弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页

转学申请人等候名单常见问题| 2024年夏季/秋季


  1. 在转学候补名单上意味着什么?
    The transfer admissions process can be competitive for each major 和 overall, which means we sometimes do not have space to offer all applicants with potentials for success at 弗吉尼亚理工大学, including those who otherwise meet or are close to meeting minimum requirements for their intended transfer major. Applicants will be offered from the waitlist if space becomes available for their intended 程序 和 will be notified of a final decision status 不迟于2024年7月1日. In most years, however, the waitlist process is resolved much sooner.

  2. Can I do anything to increase my chances of being offered admission from the waitlist?
    Selecting “Yes” to the Remain On The Waitlist inquiry in the ‘Decision’ section of your online 申请人门户 尽可能早, 但不得迟于6月1日, will keep your application in consideration for an offer from the waitlist; answering “No” will formally withdraw your application. Only applicants who’ve completed this step 和 answered “Yes” will be considered for an offer. 不幸的是,此时你无能为力. The 招生 Committee will review the academic information submitted with the original application to make additional offers 在哪里 possible. 没有额外的推荐信, 兴趣或入学意向声明, or academic record updates will be reviewed unless requested by our staff. If additional information is needed, it will be requested individually via email. Waitlisted applicants are strongly encouraged to successfully complete their academic plan for spring 和 summer as reported. An offer from the waitlist would be contingent upon successful completion of the academic plan reported at the time of initial application review.

  3. 我从候补名单中被选中的机会有多大?
    You are underst和ably eager to have a final decision on your application. By electing to remain on the waitlist 和 continuing with your reported academic plan, 如上所述, you are putting yourself in the best position for a potential offer. The response of applicants who received an initial offer of admission 和 the remaining space in individual 程序s 和 overall will be the greatest determining factors on if, 在哪里, 还有什么时候可以提供额外的报价. 考虑到这些变量的不确定性, it is impossible to know at this time how many applicants could be offered from the waitlist.

  4. What is 弗吉尼亚理工大学’s history of selecting students from the transfer waitlist?
    每个转学录取周期可能非常不同. 像这样, the waitlist process 和 outcomes can also vary significantly. 2020年,约有120个额外的报价. 2022年,没有额外的报价. 2023年,又有47份报价.

  5. Can I change my intended 程序/major or entry term given the waitlist decision?
    No. Offers have been extended for all majors/程序s based on individual 和 overall capacities. 鉴于这种, it is not possible to change your intended major for additional review or consideration at this time. You will be considered for an offer from the waitlist for the major to which you applied. Indicating your intended entry term as Summer or Fall in the application process did not affect the decision outcome as all applications to both terms are reviewed at the same time, 用同样的标准, 考虑到同样的程序容量. 像这样, changing your intended term of entry now would not impact your waitlist decision or chances for an offer.

  6. What are my options if I am not selected from the waitlist 和 still wish to attend 弗吉尼亚理工大学?
    如果你没有收到候补名单上的录取通知, 请考虑重新申请下一个转学学期, 下一个可用的时间是2025年春季(主要的可用性 可能因预期期限而异). Most waitlisted applicants can present more competitive applications with continued 和 targeted study, or strong final outcomes in their currently in-progress or planned coursework which would be available for consideration at the initial application review point for a future cycle. Applicants from Virginia Community College System (VCCS) institutions are especially encouraged to continue in 和 potentially complete the transfer-oriented associate degree 程序 which best aligns with their intended major. 资源可通过网上赌博网站十大排行的 转学招生网页,例如网上赌博网站十大排行的 转移路线图交通指南, can also help with developing a continued transfer plan which will increase your chances for success moving forward. Members of our transfer team are happy to assist 和 support you here as well; you can even schedule an individual appointment with our team via the Hokie角落 程序!